hello Used Turf Equipment - Statewide Turf Equipment

Used Turf Equipment

Try Our Newly Enhanced Inventory Search Tool

It may not look as fancy as other Searching Tools out there, we were going for function and detail over fancy on this one. But while we are still working out some of the bugs and kinks we encourage you to give our Inventory Search Tool a whirl and see what works best for you (and not so good). Either way we appreciate and welcome any and all feedback


You can quickly search Statewide’s current inventory for a specific product(s) by name, type, manufacturer, model, model number, year, and many other key features about the product using our newly enhanced Inventory Search Tool.  The tool was designed with details in mind, making it quick and easy to find some of the specifics without having to surf through traditional menus and categories.

 Sorry guys, unfortunately ‘Hours’ are not searchable at this time, BUT we have a system in place and are working on updating it soon

If you are on a laptop or desktop PC (and most tablets):

Enter your search information in the ‘SEARCH OUR INVENTORY’ box located in the top right corner of every page on this site.

If you are on a cell or mobile phone (and some smaller sized tablets):

Just remember to click on the green magnifying glass icon, always located at the top of the page next to our company logo.



Did your search comes up empty?  Can’t seem to find what you are looking for?
Visit our Locate/Find Equipment page.  Just leave your request and contact information and Statewide will start  a new kind of enhanced search for you!